Tuesday, April 19, 2011


There is just so much you can do on Facebook.  Stalking is probably where most of my time is spent, whether it be stalking my high school friends, my college friends, or even completely random people I'm not even friends with, if their profile's not on private (most annoying stalk-block EVER).  I also love looking at pictures in real life, so being able to do it online and have so much to look at keep me entertained for hours.  It is also really easy to get in touch with someone you need to talk to using Facebook Chat, messaging, or writing on someone's wall.  Facebook is also a good way to get in touch with old friends and classmates.

Ever since I was in high school, everything has revolved around Facebook.  After any social gathering, I would spend hours and hours looking at pictures people posted, even my own.  I always thought of Facebook as a good way to communicate with people more easily than by phone, especially now that there's Facebook Chat.  Back then, Facebook was a "good" distraction.

Facebook probably seemed like a "good" distraction because my high school had it blocked from the server so we were not allowed to use it during school.  This prevented us from Facebooking during class and spending all of our time on it; however, college is a completely different story.

I don't know about everyone else, but Facebook is probably my biggest distraction in college.  Whenever I'm bored and want to take a break from the torturous five whole minutes of studying I've done, I check my Facebook.  Of course, checking my Facebook for a quick second usually ends up with me Facebook stalking for thirty minutes, at the very least.  Why is it that I do this?  I know I'm not the only one, but I still feel like I should be able to stay away from my Facebook for a longer period of time.  It should probably be a little easier for me to sign off, especially when it's late at night and there's absolutely nothing new that pops up on my newsfeed; however, I do anything but log off.  I will literally sit there clicking refresh or just stalk my own pictures over and over again in order to keep from studying.  Similarly, I spend so much time on Facebook in class.  It's the time that so many people are online because they're doing the exact same thing as me, which is not paying attention in class.  I can easily say that Facebook is my biggest distraction when it comes to schoolwork and paying attention in class.

To prove my point, I'm actually writing this blog about Facebook during one of my classes. Oops?

Let me know if you feel the same way about the distractions of Facebook!


  1. Facebook is definitely a huge distraction for me. Not only in class, but also in the library or in my room when trying to study. It is easy to keep the tab up while working on other things and continue to go back and forth between work and facebook. This makes it difficult to get anything done and is a big distraction.

  2. I am currently sitting in Econ doing nothing but facebook if that says anything.

  3. Facebook is always tempting for me in classes where my professors allow computers.

  4. Great post! Have you ever taught that students can't manage their social and academic lives effectively? I'm looking at how to bridge this gap. http://bit.ly/mDdxJv
