Monday, April 18, 2011

Inside the Facebook Addiction

Uploaded from YouTube, this ABC news report takes another step inside the real life of Facebook, and the creator Mark Zuckerberg. We found this video relevant to our project because it talks about how not just Americans, but people all over the world intrigued by this phenomenon. One example they talked about was how there are now more people on Facebook than the total population of The United States, Japan, and Germany combined.

As much as we all love Facebook and the different media distractions, while doing this project we have started wondering, is it really necessary? Are these social networks really keeping our distant friendships closer or is it just an excuse to take a break from reality?

Tell us what you think!!


  1. Although I am on facebook all the time, I am aware of its negative effects. It reduces face to face contact-- I have often seen people facebook chatting from across the room, when they could easily just walk over and talk to each other. It is a major distraction from school work also. I need to limit the amount of time I spend on facebook,

  2. Facebook is a unnecessary distraction from our school work and other daily activities. Even though we are all aware of the affects, it still tends to consume our life. We could use the time we are facebook as extra study time, exercising or getting more important tasks accomplished. College students are always look for a reason to avoid their work, and facebook gives them the perfect opportunity for distraction.
